Haven't had a whole lot of time for tatting lately, and probably won't again for a while yet. Crazy
family going-ons and all. But one night, at 2am in the Emergency room waiting area, I did get a chance to try a bookmark pattern I had seen. (No worries -- child just had a super high fever -- all better now.) The Royal Trio Bookmark by Ellen Lai was one I had trouble with when I had tried it before. I got it now. Love it. Then, I took out one of the split rings, continued it for a few more times, added a clasp and got this. Made a simple bracelet out of it. 

Here's the link for Ellen's pattern. http://singtatter-corner.blogspot.com/search/label/free%20pattern
You have to scroll down a ways. It is after the tree bookmarks. It really is pretty in the thread she chose. Take a look.