Monday, December 8, 2008

Celtic snowflake melting

Someone asked me for a pic of the celtic snowflake I did that Ruth designed. Here's mine. Ruth's is much more even on the points. I was watching one of the presidential debates while tatting this. As you can see, I got very distracted on one of the sides. Then, during the news folks debating the debate, I got distracted again! At least it is symetrical, right? Okay, so it is awful. I totally agree! But, hey, I learned some new things in tatting and learned not to do it during a presidential debate that I am very interested in. Hmm...I saw a new blog today that I put on my list ---->>> Linda plays the cello, my absolutely favorite sounding instrument. THAT I could listen to while tatting without getting distracted. I wonder if she would record a disc for me? We could call it "Tatting Music" or "Music for the Tatting Soul." Oohh, I like that one.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOL! Your post was cute...tatting music! BTW, your snowflake looks fine! Just block it and it will look perfect. Everyone's looks a little smooshed before they block it! :)