Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sing with me....

"I'm picking up a baby bumble bee, won't my mommy be so proud of me..."

This time of year, the bees are coming out. Each time a yellow nose one shows up, my husband likes to try to catch it. The kids love "petting" it. But the girls haven't yet got the nerve up to hold it.

In case you didn't know, the yellow nose ones don't sting. This one doesn't look as bright in the "fur" as usual because my husband caught it with wet hands. It hadn't dried out all the way when this photo was taken.

I am trying to take this bee as a sign that Spring REALLY is on the way. Even though we had to put on the jeans and long sleeves again today. (-:


IsDihara said...

While I got quite a chuckle out of the song, I must admit that the sight your husband holding that bee gave me a royal case of the hee-bee-jeebies.

It is good to know that the yellow nosed ones don't sting, tho' Do you know why that is?

am I still me? said...

Your question got me wondering so I went Google-ing. Everything I found said they DO sting, all of them. It just happens that the bumble bees don't like to? Anyway, it turns out the males have the yellow noses. If interested, there is a lot of fun info on them, just go look. I'm even thinking of making a bumble bee "home/hive." But maybe not. though it would help the garden......